
Transformation is the process of change. For incentive compensation, it is the execution of a well designed roadmap to create, extend, or modify the incentive program. Sometimes this is a quick endeavor to update a commission plan, e.g. new product, different rate, etc. Other times, the change is more robust and involves coordination of numerous teams. Whatever the case may be, the best of plans can fail without proper execution.

Red Pen Transformation Services helps deliver expected results, consistently and predictably. Our transformation services include:

Business Program and Project Management
We treat each project like its own individual business. It must be viable, supported, and provide value. We scrutinize the project plan, looking for potential pitfalls and gaps. We create a project infrastructure that fosters engagement and transparency. Working with your business and technical teams, we ensure each side executes according to specifications. We manage its progress, navigate through challenges, and drive successful results

Requirements Identification and Management
One of the most critical factors to a project's success is having clear and comprehensive requirements. As the landscape changes throughout a project and technical details come to light, it is equally important to re-examine, morph, hone, and clarify them. Doing so requires continual representation and management during every phase of the project. We excel at defining and driving business requirements, translating them to tangible components IT can deliver, and ensuring their viability throughout to project completion

Training, Communication, and Change Management
Good training ensures people know how to operate in the new environment. Communication alerts everyone when to act. Change Management is the practice of reinforcing change until it becomes business as usual. Our role is to make sure the great planning and excellent delivery cascade and live on in day-to-day operations

User Acceptance Testing
Testing is an art, one that requires deep understanding of how the function operates. Testing also takes resources. We know that the most in depth experts on your team are entrenched in conducting daily activities and rarely have sufficient time to allocate toward testing. We combine our core competency of incentive compensation with your company's knowledge and provide thorough user acceptance testing without interrupting your day-to-day operations

3rd Party Oversight
Often times, a second opinion is valuable. Do the requirements truly represent business intent? Does the implementer fully understand them? Is the proposed architecture and implementation design best for the business? Does the testing plan cover enough depth and breadth to mitigate risks of production breakdowns? Red Pen is a business advocate for incentive compensation programs. We have your interest, and only your interest in mind as we counsel you through implementations and project endeavors

Don't see something on the list? Give us a call to inquire. We may offer it. If not, we'll certainly do our best to steer you in the right direction with one of our trusted partners.